
Golf Simulators For Home Use


Golf Simulators For Home Use

For many people, the thought of playing golf daily or several times a week on a routine basis is simply a pipe dream. They may not have the time or money to commit to regular lessons or playing sessions, or they may live too far away from a course to make playing a feasible option. However, there is a solution for those would-be golfers out there: home golf simulators. Golf simulators are devices that allow users to play a game of virtual golf in the comfort of their own homes. In this blog post, we'll break down everything you need to know about golf simulators for home use, including the benefits, drawbacks, and golf simulator cost.

Benefits of Using a Golf Simulator at Home:

There are many benefits that come with using a golf simulator at home. One of the biggest advantages is that you can play anytime, day or night, regardless of the weather outside. You also don't have to worry about trying to book valuable tee times at your local course; with a best budget golf simulator for home, you can play as much or as little as you want. And because you're playing virtually, there's no need to rent or buy expensive equipment; all you need is the simulator itself and a set of clubs (if you don't already have your own). Another great benefit of using a golf simulator for home is that it can help you improve your game. Many simulators come equipped with trackers that measure things like club head speed and ball trajectory, club face at impact, strike location and even more. This data can be extremely valuable in helping you make the necessary adjustments to take your game to the next level. And because most simulators come with a variety of courses, you can practice different shots and perfect your technique without ever having to leave your living room.

Are Golf Simulators for Home Use In My Budget?:

Many people have the misconception that a home golf simulator is out of their budget. 5 to 10 years ago this was most certainly true for several people. Many golf simulators could cost in the tens of thousands of dollars and did not even provide the features that units today provide for a fraction of the golf simulator cost. Just like with any form of technology over time items not only get cheaper but also smaller as well. There are two golf launch monitor options that can be purchased now for a price point at or around $2000.00 that have features such as club speed, ball speed, show your actual ball flight on a screen and allow you to play real courses worldwide that you couldn't play in real life without expensive memberships. These two launch monitors are the Skytrak Launch Monitor and Flightscope Mevo+. There is a newer entry to this category as well in the Bushnell Launch Pro Launch Monitor that starts at $4000.00 but offers a ton of features as well as software updates that can be purchased to unlock additional items as well as you choose to do so after purchase. 

Super Budget Friendly Options:

This is a category that luckily is getting more and more expansive each year. There is a newer device that is super portable and comes in at under $600.00 in the form of the Garmin R10 Launch Monitor that has proved to be our budget golf simulator for home of choice for many customers looking to start with a more budget friendly setup. Flightscope also sells a smaller device than the Mevo+ in the Flightscope Mevo that comes in at a price point of $499.00 but offers less features and data points than the Mevo+ as well. OptiShot is another company that offers entry-level golf simulators starting at just $449.99 but between these three our pick would be the Garmin R10 in this category. 

Higher End Options: 

This category is also getting cheaper but is definitely geared towards the more serious golfer or those looking for high end features. Uneekor offers two fantastic devices in both the QED ($7000.00) and EYEXO ($10,000.00) models. The QED is ceiling mounted 3.5 feet behind the golfer and needs to use marked golf balls whereas the EYEXO is mounted 3.5 feet in front of the golfer and you can use any golf ball you prefer. Both measure club and ball data using stickers that go on the club but the the EYEXO offers more points of data than the QED. Another competitor to Uneekor would be Foresight Sports that offers a product in the GC3 ($7500.00), GCQuad ($14,500.00) and GCHawk ($19,500.00). Both the GC3 and GCQuad are portable launch monitors that can be used indoors or outdoors whereas the GCHawk is a ceiling mounted device similar to Uneekor that is meant purely for Golf Simulation Indoors. 


Whether you are a weekend warrior golfer with a total budget of $1000.00 or a fully devoted golfer looking for all the bells and whistles a golf simulator can provide, a home golf simulator can be a great investment for any would-be golfer who doesn't have the time to commit to regular lessons or rounds at their local course. However, before making any purchase decision, it's important to understand both the benefits and drawbacks associated with these devices. Additionally, because golf simulator price can range widely—from around $400 to over $10,000.00, it's important to shop around and compare features before making any final decisions. Here at Garage Golf we have been helping golfers of all skill levels piece together the best options for their space and budget to maximize their setup for their budget. The best part is we don't sell any of these items directly, just assist with offering advice on products we've been blessed to test out thoroughly here in our setup. If you are interested in getting more info on a golf simulator for home based upon your budget and space requirements, make sure to fill out our Golf Simulator Questions Form here. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Golf Simulator/Launch Monitor Photos

Skytrak Launch Monitor
Mevo Plus Launch Monitor
Bushnell Launch Pro Monitor
Flightscope Mevo
Garmin R10
Uneekor EYEXO
Uneekor QED Mounted
GC3 Launch Monitor
Link to Golf Launch Monitor Buying Guides

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Some of the links on are affiliate links. These are links that will compensate our website if a user purchases a product or service at the destination address. Affiliate links will typically be found in review or blog articles, but they can also occasionally be found in other types of articles on the site.  We ask that if you find the information we provide useful that you consider using our links provided whenever possible when making a purchase. These purchases help us to continue making future content here at Garage Golf. We are of course here anytime if you have any questions on anything, no matter what. Thanks again for visiting our website and we look forward to helping you moving forward in any way we can. 

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